Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is Bacterial Or Viral Pneumonia Worse Could I Have Pneumonia? (need More Characters...)?

Could i have pneumonia? (need more characters...)? - is bacterial or viral pneumonia worse

OK last Friday I went to winter camp with my church. was wet and very cold and snow. When I returned Sunday, he had a bad cough, the kind that makes you like a walrus.

So, now the cough is not too bad, but its definition is still there. Here are my other symptoms, and other things: chest hurts chest feels heavy at all
I feel really breathless 3.sometimes
4.last night in my bed, I felt something in my throat and I almost had to draw breath, was a strange feeling, but gave me a good bowl
5. I'm tired and serious, as I slept until 2!
6. in bad
7. Now I have something yellow out of the eye (s?), I think, cuz I coughed and rubbed his eyes
8. I say theres mucus or something in my chest
9. I think my heart beat faster.

Do you think you might have pneumonia? bacterial or viral?

and last year I became ill with what we thought was the flu, and went away, then turned and tested positive for Mycoplasma pneumonia IGM. cuz i did notSymptoms of pneumonia, then we thought it was autoimmune and perhaps had to be a very mild case of influenza appeared. Mycoplasma pneumonia, I now? Thank you!


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